Unraveling the Mystery of Memory Usage: A Deep Dive into memory_profiler
Image by Roschella - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery of Memory Usage: A Deep Dive into memory_profiler

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Are you tired of watching your Python application’s memory consumption skyrocket out of control? Do you struggle to identify the memory-intensive functions that are causing your program to slow down? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the wonders of the `memory_profiler` library, focusing on how to use it to measure memory usage from calling a function multiple times.

What is memory_profiler and Why Do We Need It?

`memory_profiler` is a Python library designed to help developers monitor and analyze the memory consumption of their applications. It provides a simple yet powerful way to identify memory-intensive sections of code, allowing you to optimize your program’s performance and prevent memory-related issues.

Why do we need `memory_profiler`? In today’s data-driven world, applications are processing larger and more complex datasets than ever before. As a result, memory usage has become a critical concern for developers. Without proper monitoring and optimization, memory-intensive functions can cause applications to slow down, crash, or even lead to system crashes.

Installing memory_profiler

Before we dive into the fun stuff, let’s get `memory_profiler` installed on your machine. You can do this using pip:

pip install -U memory-profiler

Measuring Memory Usage with memory_profiler

Now that we have `memory_profiler` installed, let’s explore how to use it to measure memory usage from calling a function multiple times. We’ll create a simple example function that we’ll use throughout this article:

def example_function(n):
    result = []
    for i in range(n):
    return result

In this example, the `example_function` takes an integer `n` as input and returns a list of numbers from 0 to `n-1`. We’ll use `memory_profiler` to measure the memory usage of this function when called multiple times.

Using the @profile Decorator

The simplest way to measure memory usage with `memory_profiler` is by using the `@profile` decorator. This decorator can be applied to any function, and it will display memory usage information when the function is called:

from memory_profiler import profile

def example_function(n):
    result = []
    for i in range(n):
    return result


In this example, we’ve applied the `@profile` decorator to our `example_function`. When we call the function with an input of `1000000`, `memory_profiler` will display memory usage information, including the line-by-line memory consumption:

Line #    Mem usage    Increment   Line Contents
     3  169.219 MiB 169.219 MiB   @profile
     4                             def example_function(n):
     5  169.219 MiB   0.000 MiB       result = []
     6  169.219 MiB   0.000 MiB       for i in range(n):
     7 169.242 MiB   0.023 MiB           result.append(i)
     8  169.242 MiB   0.000 MiB       return result

In this output, we can see that the `example_function` consumes approximately 169 MB of memory when called with an input of `1000000`. The `Increment` column shows the additional memory consumed by each line of code.

Using the line_profiler

While the `@profile` decorator provides a convenient way to measure memory usage, it has some limitations. For more detailed profiling, we can use the `line_profiler` module, which is also part of the `memory_profiler` library:

from memory_profiler import LineProfiler

def example_function(n):
    result = []
    for i in range(n):
    return result

profiler = LineProfiler()


In this example, we create a `LineProfiler` object and add our `example_function` to it. We then enable profiling by count, call the function with an input of `1000000`, and print the profiling statistics:

Timer unit: 1e-06 s

Total time: 0.247634 s
File: <ipython-input-14-8f6ebf65f65c>
Function: example_function at line 2

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
     2                                            def example_function(n):
     3         1     2450000 2450000.0     99.0      result = []
     4         1      25000   25000.0      1.0      for i in range(n):
     5  1000000      25000     0.0      1.0          result.append(i)
     6         1           0      0.0      0.0      return result

In this output, we can see the total time spent in each line of code, as well as the number of hits, time per hit, and percentage of total time. This information can help us identify performance bottlenecks and optimize our code.

Measuring Memory Usage from Calling a Function Multiple Times

Now that we know how to measure memory usage with `memory_profiler`, let’s explore how to measure memory usage from calling a function multiple times. We’ll create a loop that calls our `example_function` 10 times, each time with an input of `1000000`:

from memory_profiler import profile

def example_function(n):
    result = []
    for i in range(n):
    return result

for _ in range(10):

In this example, we’ve applied the `@profile` decorator to our `example_function`, and we’re calling it 10 times in a loop. When we run this code, `memory_profiler` will display memory usage information for each call to the function:

Line #    Mem usage    Increment   Line Contents
     3  169.219 MiB 169.219 MiB   @profile
     4                             def example_function(n):
     5  169.219 MiB   0.000 MiB       result = []
     6  169.219 MiB   0.000 MiB       for i in range(n):
     7 169.242 MiB   0.023 MiB           result.append(i)
     8  169.242 MiB   0.000 MiB       return result

Line #    Mem usage    Increment   Line Contents
     3  338.453 MiB 169.219 MiB   @profile
     4                             def example_function(n):
     5  338.453 MiB   0.000 MiB       result = []
     6  338.453 MiB   0.000 MiB       for i in range(n):
     7 338.476 MiB   0.023 MiB           result.append(i)
     8  338.476 MiB   0.000 MiB       return result


Line #    Mem usage    Increment   Line Contents
     3 1692.191 MiB 169.219 MiB   @profile
     4                             def example_function(n):
     5 1692.191 MiB   0.000 MiB       result = []
     6 1692.191 MiB   0.000 MiB       for i in range(n):
     7 1692.214 MiB   0.023 MiB           result.append(i)
     8  1692.214 MiB   0.000 MiB       return result

In this output, we can see that each call to `example_function` consumes approximately 169 MB of memory, with a total memory usage of 1692 MB after 10 calls.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of `memory_profiler` and learned how to measure memory usage from calling a function multiple times. By using the `@profile` decorator and `line_profiler`, we can identify memory-intensive sections of code and optimize our applications for better performance.

  • Install `memory_profiler` using pip: `pip install -U memory-profiler`
  • Use the `@profile` decorator to measure memory usage: `@profile def example_function(n): …`
  • Use `line_profiler` for more detailed profiling: `profiler = LineProfiler(); profiler.add_function(example_function); …`
  • Measure memory usage from calling a function multiple times: `for

    Frequently Asked Question

    Get the lowdown on memory_usage from memory_profiler when calling the function multiple times!

    What happens when I call a function multiple times using memory_profiler?

    When you call a function multiple times using memory_profiler, it will provide you with the memory usage of each function call. This can help you identify which function calls are consuming the most memory and optimize your code accordingly.

    Will memory_profiler give me the cumulative memory usage of all function calls?

    By default, memory_profiler will give you the incremental memory usage of each function call, not the cumulative memory usage. However, you can use the `line_by_line` option to get the cumulative memory usage of all function calls.

    Can I use memory_profiler to profile a loop that calls a function multiple times?

    Yes, you can! memory_profiler can be used to profile a loop that calls a function multiple times. This can help you identify which iterations of the loop are consuming the most memory and optimize your code accordingly.

    How do I interpret the memory usage results from memory_profiler?

    The memory usage results from memory_profiler will show you the incremental memory usage of each function call in terms of the number of bytes. You can use this information to identify which functions or lines of code are consuming the most memory and optimize your code accordingly.

    Are there any limitations to using memory_profiler to profile a function called multiple times?

    One limitation of using memory_profiler is that it can be slow for large programs or functions with many iterations. Additionally, memory_profiler may not work well with functions that use a lot of memory-mapped files or other low-level memory management techniques.

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