Do These Two Different Ways of Closing Channel in Goroutine Have Exactly the Same Effect?
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Do These Two Different Ways of Closing Channel in Goroutine Have Exactly the Same Effect?

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In the world of Go programming, goroutines and channels are essential components that enable concurrent programming. Channels are used to communicate between goroutines, allowing them to exchange data in a safe and efficient manner. However, when it comes to closing channels, developers often wonder if there’s a difference between two common methods: closing the channel directly versus closing it using a separate goroutine. In this article, we’ll delve into the details and explore whether these two approaches have the same effect.

Channel Fundamentals

Before we dive into the differences, let’s quickly review the basics of channels. A channel is a communication mechanism that allows goroutines to send and receive data. Channels can be buffered or unbuffered, and they can be used to send and receive values of any type. Here’s an example of a simple channel:

ch := make(chan int)

In this example, we create an unbuffered channel of type int using the make function. Now, let’s move on to the two ways of closing a channel.

Method 1: Closing the Channel Directly

The first method involves closing the channel directly using the close function. Here’s an example:

ch := make(chan int)

This approach is straightforward: we create a channel and then immediately close it using the close function. But what happens when we close a channel? When a channel is closed, no more values can be sent on it, but existing receivers can still receive values until the channel is empty.

Method 2: Closing the Channel Using a Separate Goroutine

The second method involves closing the channel using a separate goroutine. Here’s an example:

ch := make(chan int)
go func() {
    defer close(ch)
    // do some work

In this approach, we create a new goroutine that closes the channel using the defer statement. The defer statement ensures that the channel is closed when the goroutine returns, regardless of whether it returns normally or panics.

Comparing the Two Methods

Now that we’ve seen both methods, let’s compare them and explore whether they have the same effect.


Both methods ultimately close the channel, preventing any further sends on it. Additionally, both methods ensure that existing receivers can still receive values until the channel is empty.


There are some key differences between the two methods:

  • Concurrency**: Method 1 closes the channel immediately, whereas Method 2 closes the channel when the goroutine returns. This means that Method 2 can introduce additional concurrency, as the channel is not closed until the goroutine completes its work.
  • Error Handling**: Method 1 does not provide any error handling, whereas Method 2 allows for error handling using the defer statement. If the goroutine panics, the channel will still be closed.

Real-World Scenarios

Let’s consider some real-world scenarios where the choice of method might make a difference:

Scenario 1: Producer-Consumer Pattern

In a producer-consumer pattern, a producer goroutine sends values on a channel, and a consumer goroutine receives values from the channel. When the producer is done sending values, it closes the channel to signal to the consumer that no more values will be sent.

In this scenario, Method 1 is a good choice, as it immediately closes the channel, ensuring that the consumer does not block waiting for more values.

Scenario 2: Handling Errors

In a scenario where error handling is critical, Method 2 might be a better choice. By using a separate goroutine to close the channel, we can ensure that the channel is closed even if the main goroutine panics.


In conclusion, while both methods of closing a channel in a goroutine ultimately achieve the same goal, they have different implications for concurrency, error handling, and readability. Method 1 is a straightforward approach that closes the channel immediately, whereas Method 2 introduces additional concurrency and error handling capabilities.

When choosing a method, consider the specific requirements of your use case. If you need to ensure immediate closure of the channel and don’t care about concurrency or error handling, Method 1 might be sufficient. However, if you need to introduce additional concurrency or error handling, Method 2 is a better choice.

Method Concurrency Error Handling Readability
Method 1 None None Simple
Method 2 Yes Yes Better

By understanding the differences between these two methods, you can make informed decisions about how to close channels in your goroutines, leading to more robust and efficient concurrent programs.


Remember, when it comes to closing channels in goroutines, there’s more than one way to do it. By considering the trade-offs between concurrency, error handling, and readability, you can choose the best approach for your specific use case.

So, do these two different ways of closing channel in goroutine have exactly the same effect? The answer is no – while they both close the channel, they have different implications for your program’s concurrency, error handling, and readability.

Frequently Asked Question

When it comes to closing channels in goroutines, it’s essential to understand the nuances of different approaches. Let’s dive into the world of goroutines and channels to explore whether two different ways of closing channels have the same effect.

Q1: What is the purpose of closing a channel in a goroutine?

Closing a channel in a goroutine signals to the receiver that no more values will be sent, allowing it to terminate the range loop and move on to other tasks. It’s essential for avoiding deadlock situations and ensuring the proper functioning of your program.

Q2: What’s the difference between `close(ch)` and `ch <- struct{}{}` in a goroutine?

Both methods close the channel, but `close(ch)` is a direct and efficient way to do so, while `ch <- struct{}{}` sends a zero-value element on the channel, which is then interpreted as a closure signal. The latter approach is more verbose and less idiomatic.

Q3: Can I use `ch <- struct{}{}` instead of `close(ch)` in all scenarios?

No, you shouldn’t use `ch <- struct{}{}` as a replacement for `close(ch)` in all cases. If the channel is buffered, sending a zero-value element won't necessarily close the channel, whereas `close(ch)` guarantees closure.

Q4: What happens if I close a closed channel in a goroutine?

Trying to close a channel that’s already closed will result in a runtime error, as Go’s channel implementation doesn’t allow closing a channel multiple times.

Q5: Should I always close channels in goroutines?

Yes, it’s a good practice to close channels in goroutines to ensure the proper termination of range loops and avoid potential deadlocks. However, if you’re using channels with a limited lifetime, closing them might not be necessary.

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