Error handling in VBA: Unraveling the Mystery of the “On Error” Line
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Error handling in VBA: Unraveling the Mystery of the “On Error” Line

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If you’re a VBA developer, chances are you’ve encountered the frustration of writing a seemingly flawless code, only to have it crash and burn due to an unexpected error. And when you try to add error handling to your code, you’re left scratching your head wondering why the “On Error” line doesn’t seem to be doing its job. Fear not, dear developer, for today we’re going to tackle the age-old problem of error handling in VBA and uncover the secrets behind the “On Error” line.

The Importance of Error Handling

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of error handling, let’s talk about why it’s essential in VBA development. Error handling is not just about catching and fixing errors; it’s about providing a seamless user experience, maintaining data integrity, and preventing catastrophic failures. Think of error handling as the unsung hero of VBA development – it’s the safety net that saves your code from crashing and burning.

Error Handling in VBA: The Basics

In VBA, error handling is achieved using the “On Error” statement. The basic syntax is as follows:

On Error {GoTo | Resume Next | Resume}

The “On Error” statement is used to specify the error-handling routine when an error occurs. The three options are:

  • GoTo [label]: Jumps to the specified label when an error occurs.
  • Resume Next: Ignores the error and continues execution from the next line of code.
  • Resume [label]: Continues execution from the specified label.

The “On Error” Line Conundrum

Now, let’s get to the crux of the matter – why the “On Error” line doesn’t seem to be working as expected. There are several reasons why this might be the case:

Reason 1: The “On Error” Line is Not in the Correct Position

The “On Error” line must be placed at the top of the procedure or function where you want to handle errors. If you place it in the middle of the code, it won’t catch errors that occur before it. Make sure to place it at the top of your code, like this:

Sub MyProcedure()
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    ' Your code here
Exit Sub
    ' Error handling code here
End Sub

Reason 2: The Error is Not Being Caught

Sometimes, the error is not being caught because it’s not a VBA runtime error. VBAs “On Error” statement only catches runtime errors, not syntax errors or compile-time errors. If you’re trying to catch a syntax error, you’ll need to use a different approach.

Reason 3: The Error Handler is Not Being Executed

If the error handler is not being executed, it might be because the error is not being properly raised. Make sure that the error is being raised using the Error.Raise method or by using the Err.Raise method.

Error Handling Best Practices

Now that we’ve covered the common pitfalls of error handling in VBA, let’s talk about some best practices to keep in mind:

BEST PRACTICE 1: Use a Centralized Error Handler

Rather than having multiple error handlers scattered throughout your code, create a centralized error handler that can catch and handle errors from multiple procedures. This makes it easier to maintain and update your error handling code.

BEST PRACTICE 2: Use Meaningful Error Messages

When raising an error, make sure to provide a meaningful error message that helps the user diagnose the problem. Avoid generic error messages like “An error occurred” and instead provide specific details about what went wrong.


Logging errors is an essential part of error handling in VBA. By logging errors, you can track and analyze error patterns, identify trends, and fix issues more efficiently. Use the Debug.Log method or a third-party logging library to log errors.

Error Handling in VBA: Advanced Techniques

Now that we’ve covered the basics of error handling in VBA, let’s dive into some advanced techniques to take your error handling to the next level:

ADVANCED TECHNIQUE 1: Using the Err Object

The Err object provides detailed information about the error that occurred. You can use the Err object to get the error number, description, and source, and to raise custom errors. Here’s an example:

Sub MyProcedure()
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    ' Your code here
Exit Sub
    Select Case Err.Number
        Case 13
            MsgBox "Type mismatch error occurred"
        Case Else
            MsgBox "An unknown error occurred: " & Err.Description
    End Select
End Sub

ADVANCED TECHNIQUE 2: Using Try-Catch Blocks

Try-catch blocks are a powerful way to handle errors in VBA. They allow you to catch and handle specific errors, and provide a more structured approach to error handling. Here’s an example:

Sub MyProcedure()
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
        ' Your code here
    Catch e As Exception
        MsgBox "An error occurred: " & e.Description
    End Try
Exit Sub
    ' Error handling code here
End Sub


Error handling in VBA is a crucial aspect of development that’s often overlooked until it’s too late. By understanding the basics of error handling, avoiding common pitfalls, and using advanced techniques, you can create more robust and reliable VBA applications that provide a better user experience. Remember, error handling is not just about catching errors – it’s about providing a safety net that saves your code from crashing and burning.

Common Error Handling Mistakes Solution
Move the “On Error” line to the top of the procedure
Not catching the correct type of error Use the Err object to get detailed information about the error
Not logging errors Use the Debug.Log method or a third-party logging library to log errors

By following the best practices and advanced techniques outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering error handling in VBA. Remember, error handling is not a one-time task – it’s an ongoing process that requires attention and refinement to ensure your code remains robust and reliable.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to tackle those pesky errors in VBA! Here are the top 5 questions and answers about error handling in VBA that will make you an expert in no time!

Why does my On Error line get registered but doesn’t actually work?

That’s a classic VBA conundrum! This might happen if you have another Error Handler already active in the code. Try using `On Error Goto 0` to reset the error handler, and then set your new error handler using `On Error Goto

How do I step through my code to find the error?

Debugging like a pro! To step through your code, press F8 or click the “Step Into” button in the VBA editor. This will execute your code one line at a time, and you can check the values of your variables and expressions using the Immediate window (Ctrl + G). When you encounter an error, the code will stop executing, and you can inspect the error message.

What is the difference between On Error Goto 0 and On Error Resume Next?

The difference is crucial! `On Error Goto 0` disables any error handling and allows the error to be displayed to the user. On the other hand, `On Error Resume Next` ignores the error and continues executing the code, which can lead to unintended consequences. Use them wisely!

How do I handle runtime errors in VBA?

Runtime errors got you down? Use a combination of error handling techniques like `On Error Goto

What is the purpose of the Err object in VBA?

The Err object is your new best friend! It provides information about the last error that occurred in your code, including the error number, description, and source. You can use it to create custom error handling routines and provide meaningful error messages to your users.