Can a Redis Cluster Slave Become a Master When Another Master-Slave Pair Completely Fails?
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Can a Redis Cluster Slave Become a Master When Another Master-Slave Pair Completely Fails?

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Understanding Redis Cluster and Master-Slave Architecture

Redis, an in-memory data store, is an excellent choice for high-performance and scalable applications. In a Redis Cluster, multiple nodes work together to provide a highly available and fault-tolerant data storage system. One of the fundamental concepts in Redis Cluster is the master-slave architecture, where one master node is responsible for accepting writes, and one or more slave nodes replicate the master’s data. But what happens when a master-slave pair completely fails? Can a Redis Cluster slave become a master in such a scenario? Let’s dive into the details.

How Redis Cluster Works

A Redis Cluster consists of multiple nodes, each with a specific role:

  • Master Node: Accepts writes, and all write operations are executed on the master node.
  • Slave Node: Replicates the master node’s data and can take over as the new master if the original master fails.

In a Redis Cluster, multiple master-slave pairs work together to provide high availability and scalability. When a master node fails, one of its slave nodes can take over as the new master, ensuring minimal downtime and data loss.

Failing Master-Slave Pairs: What Happens Next?

When a master-slave pair completely fails, the Redis Cluster detects the failure and initiates a process to recover from the failure. This process involves:

  1. Fault Detection: The Redis Cluster detects the failure of the master-slave pair through regular heartbeat checks.
  2. Slave Promotion: One of the remaining slave nodes in the cluster is promoted to become the new master.
  3. Syncing with the New Master: The other nodes in the cluster sync with the new master, ensuring data consistency across the cluster.

But what if there are no remaining slave nodes available to take over as the new master? Can a Redis Cluster slave from another master-slave pair become the new master? The answer is yes, and we’ll explore this scenario in more detail.

Slave Promotion Across Master-Slave Pairs

In a Redis Cluster, a slave node from another master-slave pair can take over as the new master if the original master-slave pair completely fails. This process is called “slave promotion across master-slave pairs.”

To illustrate this scenario, let’s consider an example:

Master Node A Slave Node A1 Slave Node A2
Master Node B Slave Node B1 Slave Node B2

In this example, we have two master-slave pairs: Master Node A with Slave Nodes A1 and A2, and Master Node B with Slave Nodes B1 and B2. If Master Node A and all its slaves (A1 and A2) fail, a slave node from the other master-slave pair (B1 or B2) can take over as the new master.

Prerequisites for Slave Promotion Across Master-Slave Pairs

For a Redis Cluster slave to become a master when another master-slave pair completely fails, the following prerequisites must be met:

  • Redis Cluster Version: The Redis Cluster must be running version 3.0 or later.
  • Cluster Mode: The Redis Cluster must be in cluster mode, which is enabled by default.
  • Slave Priority: The slave node must have a priority set, which determines the order in which slaves are promoted to masters.
  • Manual Intervention: An administrator must manually intervene to promote the slave node to a master.

Manual Intervention: Promoting a Slave Node to Master

When a master-slave pair completely fails, an administrator must manually promote a slave node to become the new master. This can be done using the following Redis command:

redis-cli cluster failover takeover 

Replace with the ID of the slave node you want to promote to master. This command will promote the slave node to master and reconfigure the Redis Cluster accordingly.

Best Practices for Redis Cluster High Availability

To ensure high availability in your Redis Cluster, follow these best practices:

  • Use Multiple Master-Slave Pairs: Having multiple master-slave pairs ensures that there are always available nodes to take over in case of failures.
  • Set Slave Priorities: Assign priorities to slave nodes to ensure that the most suitable node takes over as the new master in case of failures.
  • Monitor Your Cluster: Regularly monitor your Redis Cluster for failures and take corrective action promptly.
  • Test Your Failover Process: Test your failover process regularly to ensure that it works as expected.


In conclusion, a Redis Cluster slave can become a master when another master-slave pair completely fails, provided the necessary prerequisites are met. By understanding how Redis Cluster works and following best practices for high availability, you can ensure minimal downtime and data loss in your Redis-based applications. Remember to test your failover process regularly and be prepared to intervene manually when necessary.

Do you have any questions about Redis Cluster or high availability? Feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on Redis Cluster failovers and slave promotion!

Will a Redis Cluster slave automatically become a master if another master-slave pair fails?

Absolutely! In a Redis Cluster, when a master node fails, one of its slave nodes can automatically take over as the new master, ensuring minimal downtime and data loss. This process is called “slave promotion”.

What happens to the failed master-slave pair in a Redis Cluster?

When a master-slave pair fails, the failed nodes are automatically removed from the cluster, and the cluster rebalances itself to ensure data consistency and availability. The failed nodes can be brought back online and re-added to the cluster once they’re fixed.

How does Redis Cluster detect a failed master node?

Redis Cluster uses a mechanism called “heartbeats” to detect node failures. Each node in the cluster sends periodic heartbeats to other nodes. If a node doesn’t receive a heartbeat from a master node within a certain time interval, it assumes the master node has failed and triggers the slave promotion process.

Can I manually promote a Redis Cluster slave to a master node?

Yes, you can manually promote a Redis Cluster slave to a master node using the `CLUSTER FAILOVER` command or by configuring the `cluster-slave-no-failover` setting to `no`. However, be cautious when doing so, as manual promotion can lead to data inconsistencies and conflicts if not done correctly.

What are the benefits of automatic slave promotion in Redis Cluster?

Automatic slave promotion in Redis Cluster ensures high availability, reduces downtime, and minimizes data loss in the event of a node failure. It also simplifies cluster management and eliminates the need for manual interventions, making it an essential feature for mission-critical applications.